Industrial noise is a topic many industries have to contend with, as exposure to high noise levels in the workplace can cause incurable hearing…
The Comec TAC1 automatic hopper-fed, cross cut saw can be used for the volume cutting of stair wedges, stair glue blocks and also furniture…
Talking to Homag customers, it soon becomes abundantly clear that one of the many advantages of dealing with the Homag Group is its leading edge…
The Alphacam 2014 R2 update includes several new and enhanced features which continue to demonstrate why Alphacam leads the way in improving…
Smart Garden Offices offer an extensive range of buildings with each one being personalised to meet each of their customers individual…
Hazlin of Ludlow is an expanding British manufacturer of high quality, bespoke architectural veneered doors, frames, panels, screens, furniture…
A furniture and cabinet-making company carrying out high-end bespoke installations for private clients, builders and commercial contracts in…
Frontline Cabinet Design is a well-established company with over 35 years trading in the kitchen and bedroom furniture industry. The business…
The WB Group manufactures high quality doors, and ensuring that the goods reach their destinations in the same condition that they left the…
The heart of a dust extraction system is the fan, its design to best suit the system, workshop demand and associated power management…
2014 sees the launch of 20 new decors in seven unique structures into Egger’s Zoom collection. Customers need look no further, Hranipex has the…
With 29,000sq ftmodern production space, GD is a volume manufacturer of timber staircases, windows and doorsets – supplying nationwide to major…
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