Three gluing systems blended together with perfect aesthetics and functionality - the perfect aesthetics of panels, even in large batch…
TM Services has been repairing and maintaining a wide range of industrial woodworking machinery for more than 30 years. Its highly trained field…
If you are looking to consistently produce premium quality panel-based products, whether for furniture, kitchens, bedrooms, shopfitting or other…
Though keeping innovation in mind, Morelato – an Italian furniture manufacturer situated in the Verona area – uses the technique of marquetry to…
ABS (acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene) replaced PVC as an edging finishing material for chipboard over 20 years ago. This plastic material is…
T M Machinery is the sole UK agent for the Striebig range of vertical panel saws and also supplies the Viet artisan range of wide belt…
The selection of the correct tooling for any CNC router is of equal importance to choosing the right machine in the first place. A division of…
As standard with Holz-Her edgebanders, the Holz-Her Glu Jet System delivers high quality edging results with ultra-thin glue joints. Combined…
At Interzum, Rehau exhibited under the slogan ‘Rehau, Your Creative Capital’, which plays on the creative possibilities that the polymer…
Broadstock Office Furniture, a major manufacturer of workplace, educational and catering furniture, has dramatically cut its dust extraction…
The response couldn’t be clearer – in countless conversations and presentations at the Schelling industry stand at Ligna, experts were convinced…
Koch enjoys a worldwide reputation as a specialist for drilling and dowel insertion machines, processing and production machinery and a host of…
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