15 March 2025, 02:34
By Furniture & Joinery Production Aug 15, 2017

We don’t just blow the dust off!

With increasing pressure on manufacturers to control costs, one of the first thoughts is to buy used rather than new machines.

It is important to understand the difference between a second-hand machine and a refurbished one. A second-hand internet bargain usually results in the acquisition of somebody else’s problems. 

The machine could well be past its best before date, the parts are no longer affordable or the machine manufacturer no longer exists and therefore spares unobtainable.

Ney has a dedicated team of engineers which fully refurbishes used machines, strips them back to their component parts and replaces all the worn bits, noisy bearings etc. Readers may ask why the company goes to so much trouble.

Well the answer is simple. Firstly all Ney’s refurbished machines carry a parts and labour warranty, so it’s better to replace a worn part in the factory while the machine is in bits than to send a service engineer out two months later to do the job anyway. 

Secondly many of Ney’s refurbished machines go to growing or new-start companies where cash is tight and reliability is crucial to the success or failure of the business. Ney builds strong and stable relationships with its customers and as its well-known strap line states: Let’s Grow Together.

Many of the company’s refurbished machines are actually sold before they are rebuilt, but Ney is more than happy to invite customers back to its Coventry showroom to inspect the finished handiwork and check the machine over before taking delivery.

There is no reason why a properly rebuilt machine cannot give many years of service or help a company to grow without putting too much strain on the bank balance.

Second-hand, refurbished or, as Ney says, pre-loved. 

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