16 February 2025, 13:09
By Furniture & Joinery Production Aug 16, 2023

The importance of dust collecting

Many businesses that produce raw materials, such as wood manufacturing, now depend heavily on dust collection. In addition, employers must follow COAHH health and safety regulations for dust procedures, so it’s essential to maintain effective dust collection to prevent dangerous incidents. Here, Nordfab explores the importance of dust collection, and why your joinery needs a dust collection system.

What are the dangers of dust?

Some business owners may not consider dust a problem, but a lot can go wrong without an effective dust-collecting system. COSHH defines dust as tiny particles that, when suspended in the air under specific circumstances, pose a risk of exploding. During operations, dust that collects in the materials generated can ignite and explode accidentally.

Dust is naturally explosive, making an excessive amount of it a serious safety risk in workplaces. Making it a priority to invest in a dust management system can help to keep workplace fires and explosions from happening unintentionally.

Dust from wood can cause coughing fits, wheezing, and tightness in the chest. Some dust is worse than others. Breathing issues brought on by excessive dust exposure can develop into possibly deadly respiratory disorders. While pneumonia brought on by a build-up of dust and infection in the lungs can be lethal, occupational asthma is a crippling condition.

Top five reasons why you should install a dust extraction system

Despite the alarming facts about dust, the good news is that you can control dust with various dust extraction systems. The type of dust and debris you’re dealing with, the size of the joinery, and the job’s nature will all influence your choice. But one thing is certain, your workers, your finished product, and your operational equipment all benefit when an efficient dust collecting system is installed at your place of business.

1. It improves employee health and safety

By working in a joinery, you are constantly exposing yourself to dangerous dust, particles, and pollutants in the air. However, with an effective dust extraction and dust control system in use, you and your team can work safely without worrying about getting sick from dust particles. The improved health and safety for the workers are, by far, the greatest achievements of having a dust collector and extractor on worksite!

2. Enhances the quality of the work

Due to their small size and near invisibility, dust may appear harmless, but you’d be shocked at how much it can impact your work’s quality. Dust particles can easily combine with chemicals, liquids, and other mixed materials, impacting the product’s quality when used. Those who work in floor preparation know that dust can harm completed floors and reduce quality.

Your completed surfaces can remain spotless, and the quality of your chemicals and mixed materials may be ensured with the correct dust management system.

3. It increases productivity

Machines and equipment are quickly clogged by dust and other tiny particles, which can reduce their performance or prevent them from operating. You can reduce the dust and debris collected on tools and machines by practicing effective dust control. This frees up more time for you to use your equipment rather than cleaning it.

In addition, the expensive tools and equipment may require fewer repairs and last longer if there is less dust on the job site.

4. It saves time

Every joinery involves some clean-up. Dust sticks to nearly any surface and spreads everywhere, including your clothing, equipment, and even the walls and floors. By installing an effective dust extraction system, time can be saved and as a result, you can complete tasks more quickly and on time.

5. It helps meet safety guidelines

Effective dust extraction is necessary for many projects and construction work due to the negative impacts of dust, small debris, and small toxins. You can meet compliance requirements and ensure the safety of your team throughout the project with the help of the appropriate dust control and dust extraction equipment. For safety concerns, it is advised to employ appropriate dust extraction devices even if they are not necessary for your projects.

For more information on how to create a dust-free environment for your joinery, contact Nordfab on +44 11 32 739 400 or email [email protected].

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