Based in a converted loom manufacturing mill in Colne, Lancashire, Simpsons is renowned for its premium furniture lovingly crafted using largely…
Successful Bristol-based training business, Didac, is recognised as the UK’s national provider of specialist training to the furniture, timber…
2018 marks a milestone in the history of Mighton Products. Founded in 1983 and led by chairman Mike Derham, the window and door hardware…
For many years, all small workshops contained the classic machines – overhand planer, thicknesser, chisel mortiser, single end tenoner, vertical…
A striking cladding design was created for a pair of staircases at York University with installation being completed within the students’…
Lawcris operates out of four units, totaling 200,000ft2. Manufacturing is split over two of these sites; the first containing facilities for…
The business has seen a dramatic change in the woodwork manufacturing processes over the last 15 years, especially for small- and medium-sized…
After years trading in the hospitality furniture industry as a family business, Liam and his team realised that they weren’t truly marketing the…
A well-respected supplier, solid build quality and a competitive price tag seem to be at the top of most people’s shopping lists. But what about…
Redwood Innovations has over a decade of experience supplying the furniture and marine industries with adhesives, abrasives and wood coatings.…
When the decision was made to purchase two Hoffmann machines to add to The Port Gallery’s machine portfolio collection, the business owners…
Images: © Matt Austin The successful Devon-based vehicle body builder has recently moved from its Cullompton home to impressive upgraded…
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