03 March 2025, 21:55
By Furniture & Joinery Production Jul 06, 2017

Investment continues at Whitehill

The business has seen a dramatic change in the woodwork manufacturing processes over the last 15 years, especially for small- and medium-sized joinery workshops. This has been driven by changes in machinery design, availability and price. The advances in software has increased the capabilities and ease of use of machinery and the changes in tooling design allow dedicated window and door systems to become widely available to all levels within the industry.

Wooden window and door technical design has been radically improved, partly as a result of changes in legislation and partly as a response to the dramatic loss of market share to UPVC. As a result, Whitehill has made vital investments in product design in order to reverse this trend. This has resulted in tremendous growth year-on-year for at least the last decade and shows no sign of slowing down. These enormous advances mean that all UK and worldwide customers are now able to offer a fully finished quality-controlled product, backed by certificates of performance criteria.

Whitehill produces dedicated window and door tooling, which provides the simplest and most cost-effective production for their customers. Whether it’s used on older single purpose machines, newer digital/CNC versions, or multi-function machining centres, Whitehill’s replacement carbide tip toolsets have set the benchmark for finish, quality and speed of production.

With virtually no set-up times, no marking out and perfect repeatability, this allows windows to be made to order with no minimum batch size and often by semi-skilled staff. This permits small- and medium-sized joinery workshops the capabilities that were only ever available to large manufacturers a decade or so ago.

Whitehill’s significant investments in their factory in Luton along with their technical experience and advice, ensures that this unique business remains as the UK’s leading tooling manufacturer.


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