24 February 2025, 16:54
By Furniture & Joinery Production Jan 17, 2019

Ostermann – experts in glues and adhesives

Ostermann offers Europe’s largest range of edgings and is well-known within the trade sector as the edgings specialist. To achieve the perfect bond between the edging and the board, a great deal of expertise in the field of adhesives is necessary. An expertise which Ostermann’s well-trained technicians are happy to pass on.

‘From carpenters – for carpenters’, this Ostermann motto applies for adhesives as well. Ostermann’s numerous experts are regularly testing both new and well-established products in the in-house workshop.

How do I find the perfect adhesive for my edgebanding machine? The answer to that question – and many more – can be found on the Ostermann homepage, search item ‘bonding of edgings’

There are no less than three different edgebanding machines at their disposal, with different bonding systems and feed speeds. As an established specialist in the area of edgings and as a partner to the trades, Ostermann aims to give its customers practical and comprehensive insight into the area of adhesives with all its complex topics.

Personal service

Just give us a call. Ostermann’s well-trained staff, among them numerous trained carpenters and master joiners, will advise you concerning products, application or container sizes and give you tips for everyday work.

Obtain information online... 

The Ostermann online shop does not only contain detailed product information, there are also many informative pages on the topic of glues and adhesives. Type in “basic knowledge adhesives” into the search field on the starting page and you will find many technical articles on hotmelt adhesives, white glues, veneer glues & co. Search for “bonding of edgings” and you will find qualified answers on the most frequent questions regarding this topic.

Ostermann supplies glues and hardeners from different manufacturers to cover various applications

Extensive brochure

In the 52 pages long brochure “Adhesives and cleaners”, you will find information on the great choice of adhesives for a wide range of material combinations and applications. Furthermore, it contains lots of tips and expert knowledge, and can be requested at Ostermann via telephone or email. 

OstermannTV – the video channel

A picture is worth more than words! That is why Ostermann has decided to document the extensive knowledge on adhesives in several different product and application videos. To find the videos, just type in the search item OstermannTV in the search field on Ostermann’s starting page.

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