24 February 2025, 01:04
By Furniture & Joinery Production Aug 23, 2024

Expert dust extraction from Fercell

Looking to expand manufacturing capabilities, alongside relocation to new premises, a bespoke kitchen and furniture manufacturer, based in North Oxfordshire, contacted Fercell to explore their options for an effective LEV solution.

From Fercell’s initial consultation and site survey, it was clear that the system would need to provide effective capture for dust and particulate from multiple wood machine tools, at any one time.

Fercell presented a proposal, which, following sign-off, led to the installation of a new local exhaust ventilation system.

Extracting the dust …

The solution consisted of a centralised ducting system, serviced by a UF6, multi-breather, filter unit and high-efficiency MVS-HR15 centrifugal fan.

To optimise production space, the filter and fan were situated outside. With the filter unit manufactured from galvanised steel, it is designed to withstand the harshest of weather conditions.

With ~1.5m³ collection capacity, across six waste collection sacks, the UF6 is especially suited for high dust loading applications, as was the case here. 

With numerous machine tools in concurrent operation, the production department can be confident of extended periods of operation before the quick-change collection sacks have to be exchanged. 

Equipped with heavy-duty ‘SupaPoly’, dust-release, filters elements, the system has improved air handling and extended filter service life, when compared to either cotton or standard polyester media.

The filtration efficiency, enables the clean, filtered air to be returned to the production area, to balance the building pressure and minimise heat-loss, during the cooler months, through an air make-up system.

Post completion of the installation, a thorough examination and test of the system was carried out by a BOHS P-series qualified technician, to ensure compliance with the COSHH regulations and HSE guidance HSG258.

Fercell designs, supplies, installs and services local exhaust ventilation systems, including dust, fume and spray extraction equipment, and has been doing so successfully for nearly five decades.

Fercell solutions are, always, tailored to meet each customer’s needs. 

01622 791414 

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