19 February 2025, 21:31
By Furniture & Joinery Production Jul 02, 2018

Two thirds say “Give us US-style window safety week!”

Two out of every three businesses asked have backed a call by Angel Ventlock window restrictor manufacturer Mighton Products for the UK to launch its own US-style National Window Safety Week.

“The figures speak for themselves,” says Mighton chairman, Mike Derham. “Not just in our poll but in the massive disparity between accident figures here and in the US, it is clear that more must be done to highlight this issue.

“It seems incredible that we are spending millions designing windows that stop intruders getting in yet give barely a second thought to preventing children and vulnerable people from falling out.

“The USA has had a Window Safety Week for many years and they have only one sixth the number of accidents per capita than we have here – there are actually fewer in total for a population that is five times the size of ours*”.

Mighton asked more than 3000 people one simple, direct question by email: Do you think we should have a national window safety week that highlights the risk and dangers associated with windows?’ 

The reply came loud and clear with more than two thirds of respondents saying yes.

Mike Derham concludes: “Of course, it was only a relatively small survey sample but when it returned such a clear majority, that tells me we have found a strong mandate for action.

*An estimated 3300 children aged five and under are treated in hospital emergency departments every year in the USA – which has over 320 million people – compared with over 4000 equivalent accidents in the UK, with a population of only 66 million.”

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