27 February 2025, 10:12
By Furniture & Joinery Production May 22, 2019

Textile coating of furniture – create lasting value with the water-based Insqin technology

The Insqin® technology from Covestro is a water-based textile coating that does not use any solvents. At the recent Techtextil trade fair, Covestro demonstrated that it can open the way to new consumer worlds, including wood and furniture products, using the example of a refrigerator that is protected by a water-based polyurethane textile coating. 

“It is an unusual eye catcher, that shows what is possible with Insqin, and it should inspire the industry to develop new concepts,” says Thomas Michaelis, head of Textile Coatings for the Europe, Middle East, Africa and Latin America (EMEA/LA) region. 

At the same time, the textile-coated refrigerator fits perfectly with a current trend. The border between the kitchen and the living room is becoming increasingly blurred, creating integrated living spaces. “Accordingly, more consumers are asking for customised household appliances and furniture that are elegant and appear valuable,” says Thomas Michaelis.

High-value look and feel

It goes without saying that household appliances are still almost always coated in white or have a stainless steel look. Why shouldn’t these and other home furnishings also be equipped with cosy and high-quality materials, as long as they are robust and environmentally friendly? 

The global warming potential of textile coatings made using the Insqin technology is 45% lower than that of solvent-based systems. In terms of chemical and mechanical resistance, the more environmentally-compatible products achieve the same excellent level as solvent-based systems.

The Insqin technology stems from Covestro’s conviction that innovation and sustainability go hand in hand. Accordingly, Covestro’s motto at Techtextil was Material Solutions inspired by Sustainnovation. 


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