18 February 2025, 05:19
By Furniture & Joinery Production Dec 10, 2013

New board of directors at Acimall

Acimall, the Italian woodworking machinery and tools manufacturer’s association, appointed the new board of directors during an extraordinary assembly held during November in Bologna.

The assembly approved the nomination of Lorenzo Primultini (president of Primultini in Marano Vicentino, Vicenza) as President, and Stefano Dal Lago (CMS Industries in Zogno, Bergamo, member of Scm Group in Rimini) and Franco Paviotti (Metal World in Pavia di Udine, Udine) as Vice Presidents.

The assembly also elected Remo Costa (Costa Levigatrici in Schio, Vicenza), Marianna Daschini (Greda in Mariano Comense, Como), Roberto de Joannon (Incomac in Montebelluna, Treviso), Giampiero Mauri (Mauri Macchine in Cermenate, Como), Pierluigi Paoletti (Paoletti in Lentiai, Belluno) and Giovanni Sedino (Saonara, Padova) to members of the board.

“I can only say I am overly satisfied with the trust of Italian manufacturers”, said the newly-elected president at the end of the assembly. “I take charge of this office knowing that Acimall, just like any business, will have to face its commitments with realism and determination, in a phase of enduring economic stagnation.

“It is and it will be imperative that we provide our member companies with the services they need; not only through lobbying actions to get the credit that our industry deserves at all levels, but most of all with constant proximity and continuous relationships with all associated companies.”

Primultini – born in 1967, a mechanical engineer with a Master in Business Administration at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business – finally thanked the outgoing board of directors, and especially the past president Ambrogio Delachi, “…a person whom our industry owes so much to, and who guided the association in a very tough season with great intelligence, balance and a unique spirit of service”.

The assembly also elected auditors and arbitrators. The panel of auditors includes Ruggero Camisasca and Enrico Lodi (Studio Lodi in Milan) and Ferrante Pedroni (Cremona Angelo in Monza, Monza Brianza). Deputy auditors are Alberto Storoni (Macmazza, Pesaro Urbino) and Sergio Ziotti (Studio Ziotti, Milan).

The panel of arbitrators is made up of Consuelo Curtolo (Cursal in San Fior, Treviso), Paolo Griggio (Griggio in Reschigliano Campodarsego, Padova), Attilio Griner (former director of the association’s technical office), Gabriele Laghi (Sistemi in Pesaro, Pesaro Urbino) and Giulia Montanari (Studio Lodi in Milan).

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