27 February 2025, 06:24
By Furniture & Joinery Production Jan 30, 2019

FIRA International offers new training courses as part of 2019 curriculum

FIRA International has released its training schedule for 2019. New courses have been added to its training curriculum, which reflect the changing nature of the furniture industry, regulations and legislation, and include:

• CE Marking Electrically Powered Office Furniture

• PAS7100, Risk Assessments and Due Diligence

• An Introduction to Upholstered Furniture Regulations

 The CE Marking Electrically Powered Office Furniture course reflects the rise in the sales volumes of powered office furniture including motors like sit stand desking and height-adjustable monitor arms. The use of mechanisms and electrical components in office furniture brings with it requirements and considerations for manufacturers, purchasers, specifiers, importers and distributors.

Guidance published July 2017 referencing the machinery directive clarifies that electrically-powered office furniture falls under the remit of this directive (and others), but there still remains confusion around this. As such, the course agenda includes topics from a background to CE marking, process flows for marking and declaring conformity.

 The next new course is PAS7100, Risk Assessments and Due Diligence, which is centred on PAS7100 (code of practice on consumer product safety-related recalls). The agenda includes an overview of the PAS for businesses, recalls and corrective actions, due diligence and the importance of preparation.

 The course should prove useful for those involved in management, compliance and quality, crisis management and others involved in executing business processes.

 The third and final new course being offered by FIRA International is An Introduction to Upholstered Furniture Regulations. This introductory course aims to offer an understanding of the regulations and responsibilities of each business type, from retailers to importers and manufacturers, and the relevant duties to ensure a good level of due diligence.

 Topics include the Furniture and Furnishings (Fire Safety) Regulations 1988 (as amended), Reform (Fire Safety) Order for contract furniture, Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) Regulations, Biocides (chemical) regulations, Persistent organic pollutants (POPs), EU Timber Regulations and also the General Product Safety Regulations.

 These three new courses sit alongside the more established FIRA International courses:

• EU Timber Regulations/Environmental Awareness

• Furniture and Furnishings (Fire Safety) Regulations Training

 Further details on all courses are available via the FIRA website.

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