11 February 2025, 06:09
By Furniture & Joinery Production Feb 14, 2019

SCM Group launches its Campus project

SCM’s dedicated training centre is the culmination of a journey that from aims to generate expertise and keep up with new technological challenges and to pass it on to the sector’s professionals worldwide.

SCM Group unveiled its new Campus project on the eve of the company’s recent Smart&Human Factory Open House event held in Rimini, Italy.

The project’s centre of origin is also Rimini and is being co-ordinated by the SCM Group human resources and organisation department. The company is effectively relaunching and boosting what has always been one of its core mission principles: to develop the most advanced expertise in these sector sectors and to pass it on to current and future professionals worldwide.

Campus was inaugurated on Monday 28th January, at the Villa Verucchio premises, close to the group HQ in Rimini, with representatives of leading institutional authorities and school, professional and university educational organisations in attendance. The project will co-ordinate and promote all activities for developing the professional, technical, operating and management skills of the 4000 people currently working for the group at the three large production centres in Italy and the more than twenty foreign branches. 

Depending on requirements, some training courses also extend to dealers and end customers of the SCM Group network. In addition, Campus will become a reference point for secondary schools, universities, the various professional training bodies and business schools which the SCM Group already works with in Italy and abroad on alternating school/work projects, apprenticeships and joint training initiatives, making available the high-tech aspects of its machinery and the know-how of its professionals.

A further objective of Campus is to help develop skills which promote technological innovation in the various sectors in which the group’s companies are now selected as partners all over the world – from the furniture industry to construction, from automotive to aerospace, from boats to plastic processing. 

At launch, there are four Campus training paths creating a truly dynamic training centre. In this way, Campus can adapt what it supplies according to the challenges posed by technologies and the market. Campus is spread over a total area of 1300m2, with nine classrooms, offices and a training centre set up with SCM machines, dedicated to training support technicians.

The company predicts that, during 2019, some 500 courses will be provided, amounting to 52,000 hours of training and involving around 3200 participants. Priority subjects will be digital developments in manufacturing and Industry 4.0 and the training of support technicians.

Training has always been part of SCM Group’s DNA. The group’s founders were labourers and technicians, from the Aureli and Gemmani families, who were brave and motivated enough to “work on themselves” and who have always wanted to pass that belief on to subsequent generations.

SCM Group’s Campus continues and relaunches a long tradition of projects and relationships with: Bologna University; Cattolica University, Milan; Ancona University; Bergamo Polytechnic; Padua Polytechnic; Turin Polytechnic; University of Bolzano’s Faculty of Engineering for Wood Technologies at Rosenheim University, Germany; Moscow University, Russia; St Petersburg University, Russia and the South Bank University, London.


WELCOME Aimed at all new employees at the onboarding stage. There is a theory phase in the classroom, covering the group’s core business, and a practical phase with a shadowing period. TECHNICAL TRAINING It supports specific technical training for the group’s various technologies / product lines, the installation and maintenance methods for machines and/or systems, plus industrial and commercial processes.  Includes targeted paths for safety aspects and new technologies. LEADERSHIP This is for young graduates, people with proven technical expertise and managers from all company departments, allowing them to keep adding to their managerial, economic and relationship skills. FOCUS This includes special projects, for acquiring know-how and innovative and strategic working methods, as well as for supporting the network of employees and collaborators through times of major organisational change.


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